For years Doctors have been treating men and women for menopause and low testosterone by giving them estrogen or testosterone, then why do we neglect the other crucial hormones such as Natural thyroid hormone, DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), Melatonin, Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?
We realize the value of natural hormone replacement therapy. In addition to alleviating the symptoms of menopause and reducing risk of osteoporosis, hormone replacement can also aid in the anti-aging process, improve your memory and mood, and create an overall sense of well-being.
Bioidentical hormones are exactly the same hormones, molecule by molecule that your body produces. They are modified in a lab derived mostly from plant sources but are still considered natural to your body because they are identical. Body does not consider then a foreign substance and so does not cause any adverse reactions.
Synthetic hormones are also made in a lab, but most importantly are not identical to your body. Bioidentical hormones are superior to types of synthetic hormones commonly prescribed.
Testosterone Treatment for Men and Women
Both Men and Women need testosterone for optimal health. Testosterone is needed for libido, muscle strength, leanness, and sense of well-being, cognitive function and mood.
Menopausal women have low to non-detectable testosterone levels with resultant loss of libido and increase in body fat. Return of libido and improved mood return within days of testosterone replacement by transdermal cream. Regrowth of muscle and bone occurs within months and is facilitated by a weight resistance training program.
The testosterone level in males peaks at age 17 and declines 1% per year thereafter. A middle-aged male can therefore have a testosterone level 40% below his peak in young adulthood. This problem can be compounded by the increased production of sex binding globulins, which make the lowered testosterone that is present even less effective. Loss of testosterone in males leads to atherosclerosis and heart attacks, obesity, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. These symptoms come on long before the male loses his sex drive or becomes impotent. There is no evidence that testosterone replacement therapy in males causes prostate cancer or prostate enlargement. In fact, some Urologist-Oncologists say that testosterone may decrease the incidence of prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer. Our doctors use topical testosterone replacement as an essential part of its Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) program for both men and women based on the patient's total and free testosterone levels and their levels of sex binding globulins.
Estrogen/Progesterone Balancing for Women |
Estrogen is an essential sex hormone that declines abruptly in women during their menopause. When women do not initiate a prompt estrogen replacement program at the time of menopause, they undergo accelerated aging manifested by: osteoporosis, senility, heart disease, loss of muscle mass, loss of skin elasticity and thickness, atrophy of the female genitalia, and depression. Progesterone is also a female sex hormone that keeps estrogen in balance and is therefore absolutely necessary in the female hormone replacement program regardless of whether the female has a uterus or not.
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